• A sensational 60 10/10 G.P.As in 2018-19 S.S.C Exams.
  • Achieved overall championship in both Boys and girls Zonal Games 2018-19.
  • 1265 A+ Grades in S.S.C 2018-19 batch.
  • “Kreeda Prathibha Award 2012 – 13” from School Education dept, Kurnool (Dt)
  • Top 20 of our players are selected as National Level Players from various disciplines.
  • Every year our students bag Top 3 Prizes in science fairs in Mandal, Zonal, District, south Indian and National Levels.
  • Our children were appreciated by honourable Chief Minister of Puducherry, Mr. Ranga Swamy & Hon. Lt. Governor, Puduchery, Mr. Iqbal Singh at South Indian Science Fair in 2012 – 13.
  • Our school received Swachch Sarvekshan Award from Nandyal Municipality as part of Swachch Nandyal Programme.